FloEFD User Meeting 2013
The program started with the welcome speech of Ed Hulst after which Koen Beyers, Voxdale bvba, gave a presentation about his company, FloEFD and wind tunnel validations.
FloEFD is used since the start-up of Voxdale. Koen Beyers discussed about his inspiration and the importance of simulation in engineering. Different Voxdale projects were presented where FloEFD was an important tool for both thermal and flow analyses. Recently, Voxdale designed and built their own wind tunnel with IR-camera data acquisition in order to have a practical validation of their simulations on scaled geometry, obtained by 3D printing. The wind tunnel will also be used to calibrate parameters in FloEFD analyses.
The first user presentation was given by Sergiu Ciocirlan from APEX International Holding. This presentation was about FloEFD simulations and validation for plate type heat exchangers. An important validated aspect of FloEFD was the velocity distribution, at a channel entrance as well as the distribution near a bend. APEX presented some validation data that was performed next to confidential work. Based on their outcomes, APEX reached a good degree of confidence in using FloEFD for simulating the flow distribution in large gas flow systems.
Subsequently, Richard Ozaki from Mentor Graphics gave a presentation about the newest FloEFD release 13. The most new features were presented in detail with examples. New features and improvements include:
- Improved radiation modeling such as the added Monte Carlo model with more capabilities (absorption in solids and geometric optics in one model);
- Loads export from FloEFD to FEA codes via external tool (FloEFD MpCCI Bridge);
- Improved Parametric Study options and user interface;
- Improved tool for leak tracking;
- Local Solution Adaptive Refinement;
- Multicore meshing;
After a half hour break the second user presentation was given by Wilfred Krabbendam from Technip Benelux BV. Technip is involved in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. The analysis and optimization discussed was for flue gas tunnels in a steam reforming process. Important design criteria were uniformity of the velocity profile of the flue gas within a certain tolerance, pressure drop over the system and flow rate in side lanes. The analytical prediction for the latter requirement was presented and then the modeling choices for FloEFD were outlined. A single tunnel was analyzed in the first instance and then the full furnace. Local initial meshing was applied in the FloEFD simulations. Technip performed the simulation also with a different CFD code and the results were similar (or identical) to FloEFD results. Technip was pleased with this validation next to the analytical validation of the flow rate in side lanes with respect to that in center lanes.
The third user presentation was from Thales Nederland BV. Thales is specialized in designing and producing professional electronics for defense and security applications. Sebastiaan Konings discussed the use of FloEFD in the development of an innovative naval radar system, the SMART-L ELR Radar. As the radar will be used in different environments there is a broad range of thermal requirements for which FloEFD can be used to optimize the design. Furthermore, the air flow within the radar was analyzed using FloEFD. The radar is still in development and there are enough design challenges, for which FloEFD is a useful tool.
The final presentation was given by Maarten Groothoff, BV Ingenieursbureau HEC, in which different applications of FloEFD by HEC and FloEFD users from the Benelux were presented. The use of different features of FloEFD were discussed such as transferred initial/boundary conditions, radiation, FloEFD to PTC Creo Simulate (Pro/Mechanica), turbulence modeling, parametric study, use of a custom visualization parameter for the visibility of plume. Furthermore, hardware recommendations were given based on recent support questions from FloEFD clients.