FloEFD User Meeting Benelux 2015
See what’s new in FloEFD 14!
Where: Fort Altena, Tol 8, 4251 PX Werkendam, The Netherlands (how to get there).
Thursday, March 26, we welcome you on the eleventh FloEFD user meeting for the Benelux. On this day our relations are at the centre: the interests, contributions and experiences of users with the software are always very inspiring.
Primarily this user meeting is intended as an opportunity to exchange experiences with FloEFD. Therefore, we invite users also to give a short presentation on:
– their applications and experiences with FloEFD
– tips and tricks and lessons learned.
At this meeting we’ll also present the latest version of FloEFD, version 14. The product manager of Mentor Graphics (developer of FloEFD) is present and will share the latest developments of FloEFD with you through a presentation. At this meeting you’ll be able to pass enhancement requests directly to the developers.
If you are unable to prepare a presentation, you can still participate in the –probably known- collage presentation. You can then easily send in
– some pictures/sheets of your applications send to us and they can be processed in the collage presentation, obviously after some explanation.
Perhaps superfluously we point out that participation is free. Both FloEFD users and interested parties are welcome to this FloEFD meeting. You can register by sending an e-mail to DAudish@hecbv.nl stating name, company name and contact information.
See you on March 26!
How to get there

The meeting will take place at Fort Altena, official address Tol 8, 4251 PX Werkendam, The Netherlands, +31 (0)183 – 301329. Use for Google Maps and some other navigation systems: “De kwartiermeersters van Fort Altena”, or “Tol 12, Werkendam”.
– Fort Altena is located almost directly next to A27 and is well accessible if you come from The Netherlands and Belgium.
– The bus station Tol (West and East) is within walking distance, but if you are having problems to reach Fort Altena please let us know, there probably is a way to arrange something.