Newsletter december 2019
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020!

FEM simulatie vallend champagneglas
Dropping a champagne glass
For one of the many projects we did this year we used specialised FEM software. With this explicit simulation software strong non-dynamic behaviour can be analysed, like crashes, explosions and drop tests. Contact can be detected between separate parts and within individual elements. Following last year’s flying champagne cork, this year we thought it would be nice to simulate the dropping of a champagne glass. So we modelled a glass in 3D CAD and ran the simulation (for the experts: using the Johnson-Holmquist-materialmodel for the glass).
Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020!
2019 has been a very busy year for us. We are very proud for our many new customers, but also that our existing customers still know where to find us for projects, training or software. We notice that the projects are getting more complex, which brings us an uportunity to look into other matters and tools. We thank you for you trust in us and hope that 2020 may be just as good.
HEC closed between Christmas and New Year
Which leaves to say that we are closed between December 25, 2019 and Januari 1, 2020. We hope to be of service from Januari 2, 2020.